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You Say was written by friends Anthony Chavez and Gary Aquirre in phoenix in 1990. Anthony had a band called Different Shades and spent a lot of time with lead singer Gary partying, jamming, and having fun. One night a small tape recorder was recording while Anthony was feeling the blues, both men were feeling pretty good at the time but it was Gary’s ability to write lyrics on the spot that made this song so special. If you notice the words ‘You Say’ are used multiple times in different ways through out the song. Gary had a very large range and Anthony did not know anyone that could hit the high pitches like Gary did. Antoinette, Anthony’s daughter, loved to sing and was the only one who could get close. She has much more experience today and has expressed an interest to re record it which we believe will happen. A couple highlights from the song… “He Tried each day to tell her More and More and More how he felt, But she just kept on walk’n she just walked out!” Sad but true. I Love It!